Utilizing HB 1842, passed during the 84th Legislative Session, Mt. Vernon ISD will gain more local control in several areas outlined in this plan. HB 1842 allows traditional public schools to have some of the same flexibility that public open enrollment charter schools have through local decision-making. Mt. Vernon ISD will use this opportunity to design plans based on the needs of our students and community.
The District of Innovation Plan provides an avenue for the Mt. Vernon ISD to make decisions in certain areas that will ultimately have a positive and lasting effect on the students and serve the best interests of the community.
The MVISD District of Innovation plan will span five years, beginning with the 2022 school year and going through the 2022-2027 school year. The plan may be amended at any time as recommended by the committee and approved by the MVISD Board of Trustees
Mt. Vernon ISD 2017-2022 District of Innovation Plan
DOI Committee Meeting June 8, 2020
District of Innovation Plan Amendment - Approved 06/16/20
District of Innovation Committee Meeting 02/24/21 Minutes
District of Innovation Plan Amendment - Approved 03/11/21
District of Innovation Renewal Plan (6/1/22 to 6/1/27) -Approved 4/11/22